Landmarks in Namchi, SK
There is 1 landmark found in Namchi, SK. This is about half of all the tourist attractions listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Namchi attractions on this page to choose from.
Namchi Map with Landmarks
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List of Namchi Landmarks
There is only one landmark listed in Namchi. Click on the landmark name bellow to find detailed information on it.
Other Landmarks
The following landmarks are found outside Namchi. They are sorted from nearest to farthest distance from Namchi.
15.9 KilometersSikkim, India
18.4 Kilometers8724+HJ9, Geyzing, SK - 737111
18.7 KilometersWest Point, Darjeeling, WB - 734102
19 KilometersSikkim, India
20.4 KilometersWest Point, Darjeeling, WB - 734102
22.3 KilometersSikkim, India
23.7 KilometersTsurphu Labrang Pal Karmae Sangha Dhuche, East Sikkim, SK - 737135
28.7 Kilometers8J73+4WP, Gangtok, SK - 737102
30.3 KilometersNational Highway 31A, Gangtok, SK - 737101
30.5 KilometersMahatma Gandhi Marg, Gangtok, SK - 737101
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- All Attractions (2)
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