Museums in Kolkata, WB
There are 64 museums found in Kolkata, WB. This is more than one third of all the tourist attractions listed in this city. You may find a list of all categories of Kolkata attractions on this page to choose from.
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List of Kolkata Museums
Following is the list of all museums found in Kolkata. The museums are sorted by their popularity, which is calculated based on the visitors, user ratings and couple of other factors. You may sort them alphabetiacally by their names using the sort options bellow. You may also use the following search box to find out specific museums from the list.
5365.01 Queens Way, Kolkata, WB - 700071
5213.046, Muktaram Babu Street, Kolkata, WB - 700007
5100.027 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata, WB - 700016
4800.019A, Kolkata, WB - 700019
4645.067/3 Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata, WB - 700008
1468.0JBS Haldane Avenue, Kolkata, WB - 700046
1382.0Cathedral Road, Kolkata, WB - 700071
990.0267 Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata, WB - 700007
930.094/1 Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Kolkata, WB - 700020
870.0P6 Diamond Harbour Road, Kolkata, WB - 700104
700.0Cathedral Road, Kolkata, WB - 700020
685.01 Satyen Roy Road, Kolkata, WB - 700034
640.0No. 69 -1111, Kolkata, WB - 700156
600.0Southern Avenue, Kolkata, WB - 700029
570.0IIE/3, Kolkata, WB - 700157
225.011, Kolkata, WB - 700026
225.0113, Kolkata, WB - 700009
200.0Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Kolkata, WB - 700107
200.085A Raja Rammohun Sarani, Kolkata, WB - 700009
200.033, Kolkata, WB - 700091
200.0105 Vivekananda Road, Kolkata, WB - 700006
180.0SUNNY TOWERS(2ND FLOOR), Kolkata, WB - 700019
160.014 Riverside Road, Kolkata, WB - 700120
150.02/1 Hindusthan Road, Kolkata, WB - 700029
120.0P 238, Kolkata, WB - 700029
100.0G-5, Kolkata, WB - 700020
100.0UV-24-04B, Kolkata, WB - 700075
90.0Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata, WB - 700108
60.055, Kolkata, WB - 700019
50.012/3a Hungerford Street, Kolkata, WB - 700017
50.0Lee Road, Kolkata, WB - 700020
50.0203 Barrackpore Trunk Road, Kolkata, WB - 700108
50.05C, Kolkata, WB - 700027
50.033A, Kolkata, WB - 700029
50.0701, Kolkata, WB - 700053
10.0A J C Bose Road #1/1, Kolkata, WB - 700016
0.093 Acharya Prafulla Chandra Road, Kolkata, WB - 700009
0.0Sodepur Road, Barrackpore, Kolkata, WB - 700130
0.01st Floor, Kolkata, WB - 700027
0.0SHOP NO.308, Kolkata, WB - 700020
0.0Barasat, Kolkata, WB - 700124
0.0B99, Kolkata, WB - 700104
0.0148/A Dangapara, Kolkata, WB - 743145
0.0B B Ganguly St, Kolkata, WB - 700012
0.04, Kolkata, WB - 700001
0.0Showroom 7B(Ground Floor), Kolkata, WB - 700017
0.0Eb21, Kolkata, WB - 700059
0.0No. 41, Kolkata, WB - 700017
0.0Gurusaday Dutta Road, Kolkata, WB - 700010
0.08B Middleton Street, Kolkata, WB - 700071
0.0Jadunath Sarkar Road, Kolkata, WB - 700029
0.0P-221 Panditya Road Extension, Kolkata, WB - 700029
0.019 Gariahat Road, Kolkata, WB - 700019
0.084A, Kolkata, WB - 700014
0.0255, Rabindra Sarani, Sovabazar Rabindra Sarani, Kolkata, WB - 700007
0.06 Hungerford Street, Kolkata, WB - 700017
0.06/4, Kolkata, WB - 700007
0.0AJC Bose Road, Kolkata, WB - 700071
0.06-A, Kolkata, WB - 700071
0.023 Pankaj Mullick Sarani, Kolkata, WB - 700019
0.023, Kolkata, WB - 700019
0.0Mayfair Road, Kolkata, WB - 700019
0.0106B,107,108 Fenwick Bazar Street, Kolkata, WB - 700087
0.094/1, Kolkata, WB - 700020
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Top Kolkata Museums
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